Tuesday, July 14, 2009

mic testing 1 2 3

Can I post from my bb?

Additional settings to compile mythtv with VDPAU on FC 10 x86_64

I had to a few things to compile mplayer with VDPAU support. However, I did not write that down.

After that, here is what I had to do to compile svn trunk (Revision: 20867) for mythtv with VDPAU support.

yum install libXv-devel

In /usr/lib64

ln -s ./libXxf86vm.so.1 ./libXxf86vm.so
ln -s ./libXv.so.1 ./libXv.so
ln -s ./libXmu.so.6 ./libXmu.so

yum install jack-audio-connection-kit-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel

It compiled, but I did not run this since I decided to not change everything in the midst of le tour.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Forgot to add that the software side of things are handled admirably by Mythdora.

This is after much churn using both standalone linux distributions and other mythtv based distributions.

Friday, July 10, 2009


My adventures with mythtv started with ATI's AIW 9700 Pro. Actually, there was no start. This hardware did not work well with linux as a tuner. So it was back to MMC and M$. Talk about temperamental. hardware was an Athlon XP 2500+ overclocked to ~ 2 Ghz.

The adventure really started when I got an Avermedia A180 digital tuner. It went into this box and after the requisite googling and talking to learned friends, viola: there was recording and such. Add a $20/year account at schedulesdirect.org for 2 week listings, and it was not a bad system: record and playback 1080p HDTV; So what if CPU was almost 100% used. But, how did that song go? ".... something's better than nothing yes, but nothing's better than more .... ". Why restrict ourselves to 1 tuner and recording only 1 program at a time ? We were moving up in the mythtv world. Add a hybrid tuner that can record analog and digital programming. Add storage and converge on two storage groups on two HDDs instead of a RAID. Add a mac mini near the TV and you have a pretty usable system. So what if it was an old tube tv and we couldn't watch HD on a G4 mac mini.

Pretty good WAF. HD plays well wirelessly on a Dell latitude 620.

Sadly, the recording system (backend) went down a few months ago, which brings us to the present day setup. I rebuilt the computer with a hand-me-down Athlon64 3400 and a new Nvidia 9500 GT with VDPAU. Now mplayer can play 1080p with mythtv possible.

Le tour is not as long to watch at double speed and without ads.

And then I lost the frontend on the backend because I "upgraded". When will I learn to leave things alone. I was just trying to fix the occasional "analog recordings have chipmunk audio" problem.

And then, a flash flood reminded me that these are just boxes and this is just TV.

Phew. Save really did mean save, even if it took a couple of clicks to get to it. So what I wrote at 1 am this morning and forgot to publish, was saved and here it is.

Enough. For now.

Hello World ....

Attempt 4 at blogging. Maybe I will remember and use this one as opposed to the first 3. This time around there is specificity which may be a plus.

Is this the end of excuses for laziness ?